Saturday, November 27, 2010

Of Scams and Sedition

It is pretty bad and unfortunate that India that boasts of its being world’s largest democracy is bent upon scuttling the freedom of thought. Is it not seditious economically when a large number of people, those who are in power and wield power as weapon have been involved in scams and scandals; not one but several and the government seems to be bent upon distracting the attention of the public by putting something else in the place of one. The country had not finished talking of CWG scam, when Raja’s 2G Spectrum scam appeared. Then came Adarsh Housing Society Scam and now the government has put another one i.e. LIC Housing Corp. and Realty sector scam. Those in the high ranks are immersed neck-deep quick sand of corruption. Yet they call themselves honest. One is not only protecting the other but also defending. Public money that goes up in the form of direct tax goes into waste. Can we afford such a government?
This is the country where Food and Agriculture Minister refuse to distribute food grain which being spoiled for want of proper storage, free to the poor on the one hand  and a  young man was arrested for stealing food grain from one such storage because his family had to go without food the past 15 days. It is shame. Is it not an act of sedition. Such people who have an anti people mindset, should be tried for sedition. A country is not a land mass on the globe of the earth but is made by the people who inhabit it.
A person who controls handful of goons holds a big state for ransom and issues threats in the name of language and culture in his own right and then interferes with the domestic problems of other states in the other parts of country. He does not allow any body to pass any comment on his doing but is more interested in imposing his whims and desires on others. Let people of a place come forward and decide their own fate in the larger interests. There is no room for petty politics and petty interests. Whether you like it or not, after all it should their own decision, no one person can influence the decision making of people who know how to fend for themselves. No country in the coming eras can have any number of simmering problems. Let us resolve all the issues. The world has already resolved its major issues and would soon resolve others also.
Remember, Berlin Wall was the major issue for the world that divided the whole globe into two factions. People’s will succeeded there. No problem in the world is bigger than that. Going by the parameters of problem solving, no problem is big if you are bent upon solving it. Otherwise, this Kashmir trouble admittedly has escalated into unrest, violence, terrorism and acrimony between the two communities. So expressing my opinion about problem solving and Kashmir problem and looking at it again from the parameters of problem solving skills, is not a seditious but a call for self introspection after 60 years of the trouble. How long can you take it on board? Problems need to be solved and they will be resolved, the sooner the better. How many people you want to die for it?
India as a region can emerge as a major and bigger economic power in the world, if both the countries resolve all their pending issues with a liberal attitude and start living like good brothers and share information in the field of science, agriculture, food grain management, human resource management, power and instead of spending billions on piling up weapons against each other, spend the money instead on education, health, infra-structure, power and energy. They belong to the same cultural basket. It is time they act more responsibly especially when the world is reeling under recession, it is high time to rise economically and wrest best deals for themselves from the world.
All issue pending in the last century should be resolved, it is better if you do it or else, the next generation who has no concern with what you thought in 1950 and in 1970 and in 1990 and 2010, will resolve them, because they are getting a global pattern of thinking. Remember, what you thought in the past centuries will be consigned to archives and new thinking will take over, soon. 21st Century skills will look at the things in a different way. The parameters are changing, fast.

Monument of Scam and Scandals

Dont dismentle Adarsh Housing Society Building.
It is monument of India's Scams. Let it be a momument of Indian's Corruption in the Politics and Public Service. The names plates of all those involved witheir pictures be installed on every flat against their allotment and let it be a public monument where people pay visit. Let the progeny remember their names, the names of corrupt people. They should be remembered as Heroes a corrupt domain.
Let progeny remember it and see the height of corrupt practices.
May be they become honest by learning a lesson from it.

Adarsh Housing Society, Important documents missing

Things go not only awry but aberrant also. One of the biggest scam where public servants fiddled not only with the rules and money but also with the sentiments of the public by creating an edifice of corruption in the name of 'Adarsh Housing Scoiety' in Mumbai, the enquiry conducted by CBI has gone into troubled waters. We heave learnt that important documents from the file are missing. They could indict those involved into it. So to save their hard skin, they have done every thing, whch they consider fair in love and war.

A question mark?
Why thse files were not taken into custody immediately after it hit the public? Whey the documents left lying in the office in the custody of those who are not trustworthy.

1800114000 a Post Script

When I posted the above post for the information of bloggers online, I expected a response from the concerned authorities. I checked their mailing address online on the website and mailed a mail to the concerned officer but found them still asleep. I have received no reply from them so far.
It is very easy in fact to turn deaf ear to all the din and noise of the public. How long can we cry hoarse? After all every thing will settle down unsolved and unresoleved. They think. People will get accustomed to such nonsense and will learn to bear with it.

So this again is a big scandal. A scam, where customer's interests are scuttled. 'Please stop wasting our valuable money on such advertisements which make no sense. At least stop funding those channel operators which are playing with the interests of their viewrs.'

Gurdip Singh


Gurdip Singh
Dial, 1800114000 for more information and complaints- ‘Jaago Graahak”, says bottom line that runs at the end of the frequently shown advertisement on television. I dial the number. Once, twice and several times and every time I get, ‘All lines to this route are busy.’ I look at the watch , it reads 11.00 midnight. I do the same exercise in the morning, 4.00 am, the same reply, ‘all lines to this route are busy.’ My patience leaves me. I want to blurt, aloud, ‘Please don’t befool us.’ Those who want us to awake have gone into deep slumber. A customer to the date is the highly exploited person in this country. All advertisements are false and make false or fake claims. They are craftily created to benefit the sellers. Take anything, the claim is false, soaps do not clean only 99.9%, shampoos do not nourish the hair, hair growth is encouraged by any shampoo, fairness creams do not make you fair, they only bleach the colour of hair just a temporary phenomenon, toothpaste however good they are normally do not maintain good teeth, intelligence is not product of some nutritional compounds etc. All advertisements are issued to create a false demand. It works deep into the minds of onlookers who are lured to buy the product.
Coming back to the above said number, I want to expose the hypocricy. All shopping malls in the country, these days, are busy selling substandard products, the food items are sold carrying no standardization, ghee (the pure one) and several pickles and preservation are off the fixed parameters, it, when shown to the Managers, they pleaded their ignorance and as you know the ignorance is no proof of innocence. The most irregularities are exercised by these Big Shopping Malls. Government has allowed them to do so. They are on the scene to loot the public and the government is helping them. Once I resisted Reliance Fresh overcharging the customers in the name of rounding off in every bill that almost cost Re 1 to every customer and the owner was found to be pocketing a whopping sum of four crore every year. Big Bazar and Easy Day are selling spurious and non-standardized Desi Ghee and several other items. Unfortunately the government is sleeping over the whole thing. When you try to contact the given number of the call centre, it says ‘all lines to this route are busy.’ The telephone is off the hook and all is well with the world.
A customer is a king as long as he holds the strings of his purse and keeps the money with him, once this money power goes, he is reduced to the most pitiable thing in the world. No one cares, no customer care is ready to listen to him and only some stereotyped sentences fed to machine like humans are coughed up every time you tune to the CCC. With me this has happened everywhere and every time because I never leave any stone unturn to reach. Blow off the lid, my advice to every customer, and don’t care for the terms and conditions, just give vent to your rage, the windfall will be yours. I have exposed ICICI Prdential, their clever tricks to rob their customers. Their software are faulty and they are public pick pocketeers and this government has allowed such swindlers to go about scotfree. (Read The Satellite TV service providers are showing more advertisements and earning money regardless to the very fact that their duty is to regale us. They showcase products, sponsored telemarket programmes at our cost. They forget that are paid for every minute by us and they are guilty of using our television set, electricity and off course our time just to turn it into money. There is usually no guidelines and whatsoever, they don’t follow. ( It is high time that we should rise and demand hassles free telecast of the programmers without any commercial breaks to save on power bills and time.
In the past, I have forced several companies to be fair in their terms and have been very outspoken in this respect. Such Frauds are not limited to the consumables only, the government departments are hatching grounds where several irregularities breed. People have seen several scams and to list a few 2G Spectrum Scam (176 lakh crore) Adarsh Housing Society, CWG Games Scam and the figures run in thousands of millions. The last but not the least is UGC, the highest authority in High Education. I as a parent, brought a complaint against a well know State University regarding its several deficiencies and filed a complaint to the UGC officials sending its copies to the HRD Ministry, Chancellor on Sept 22, I sent one reminder on Sept 29 and pleaded for its acknowledgement. None of the responsible is ready to listen and come on the line to answer my query; it is yet to be acknowledged and no action has been taken against the erring University which tend to serve its own interest only and not the interest of students, while the UGC sleeps over the matter.

Gurdip Singh
91 9878961218